校友 Association Awards

“Nominations for the 2024 校友 Awards are now closed.”

One of the most important functions of the Colorado College 校友 Association Council is to recognize the contributions of distinguished alumni, faculty members, and members of the CC community to the betterment of society, to the enhancement of the college and its 任务, and to the advancement of CC’s core . 的 校友 Association Council acknowledges these alumni and staff members through four awards (the Benezet, 穿, 莱利, and Spirit of Adventure awards) given at the annual awards ceremony during Homecoming Weekend.

Nominations for 2024 awards are now closed. Nominations to be considered for the 2025 cycle can be submitted 在这里Please contact Mark Schlessman, Chair of the Nominations and Awards Committee, with any questions.

的 following are not eligible for 校友 Association awards: previous awardees; recipients of an honorary degree from CC; recipients of the President's Leadership and Just World awards; current members of the 校友 Association Council and their spouses/partners; and members of the Board of Trustees, including Emeritus Trustees. While the 校友 Association generally does not make posthumous awards, timely posthumous nominations are accepted.


Congratulations to our 2023 校友 Association Award Recipients! Awardees were honored during the Oct. 14, 2023, Homecoming awards ceremony. 


路易斯T号. Benezet奖 recognizes outstanding achievement in one's chosen field, excellence through unusual success or contribution, innovation or re搜索 that has advanced a profession or a cause, and/or extraordinary contributions and achievements that have impacted people's lives and exemplify the 值 of a liberal arts education. 的se attributes characterize the important contributions of the late Louis T. Benezet, president of Colorado College from 1955-63.

劳埃德·E. 穿奖 recognizes outstanding loyalty, 服务, and generosity to the college as evidenced by continuing concern and support for students and the quality of teaching and learning, as well as the general well-being and future excellence of the institution. 的se attributes characterize the many years of 服务 and effective contributions of 劳埃德·E. 穿, 1942届毕业生, who served as a faculty member, 迪安, and ultimately president of Colorado College (1964-81).

Gresham 莱利 Award recognizes faculty and staff who have made a significant difference to the Colorado College community through outstanding 服务, 承诺, and accomplishment. 的 continuing concern for and support of students and alumni demonstrated by such individuals ensures the general well-being and future excellence of the college. 的se accomplishments exemplify the important contributions made by Gresham 莱利, the 10th president of Colorado College, 1981-92.

Spirit of Adventure Award recognizes an alumnus/a who exemplifies the unique CC experience through a life of intellectual, 社会, or physical adventure. 的se attributes are characterized by the late Robert M. Ormes '26, a Colorado College English professor from 1952-73 who was the inaugural award recipient.


2023 Homecoming Award Recipient Video

Report an issue - 最后更新: 03/05/2024


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